What is Java ?

Introduction to Java:

 More Than You Ever Need to Know to Get You Started, Part one. Java is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. What sets it apart is its portability, scalability, and reliability. They are a backbone for many big application and system solutions, ranging from enterprise-level to Android apps. The philosophy of "write once-run anywhere," robust ecosystem, and active community make Java a must-have in every developer's arsenal. In this blog, we will see the basic concepts of Java, for what reasons it is still in demand today, and how you can master this multitasking language.

What is Java ?

What is Java?

Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, now owned by Oracle, back in 1995. Unlike most other programming languages, Java can run on any platform where there is a JVM available to execute it without needing to recompile the program. This makes Java ideal for cross-platform development.

Java has been utilized quite comprehensively for developing a wide range of applications that include:

Web Applications: 

Most of the web applications use Java on the server-side supported with spring and Hibernate frameworks. Mobile Applications: Most android-based mobile applications use Java. Hence, the demand for Java grew among the mobile application developers. Desktop Applications: Java supports GUI desktop applications with its framework called swing and JavaFX. Enterprise Applications: Most large-scale enterprise systems use Java as a language. Some major sectors which have java as their language are financial services and telecommunications. Key Features of Java.

Well, its popularity is largely owing to some powerful features: 

Platform Independence: 

Java code is ultimately compiled into bytecode and then executed by the JVM. Java runs on any device or operating system if it has a JVM; thus, no recompilation is required.


Java is an object-oriented language; it models real entities as objects with attributes and behaviors. This paradigm does promote reuse and modularity.

Java is Robust and Secure: 

Java has a solidly performing memory management and exception handling, along with an unprecedented security model. So, Java is safe for critical applications.


Java language supports multithreading. Multiple threads can run in parallel. It helps in parallel processing of certain applications.

Automatic Memory Management: 

The garbage collection system of Java itself automatically handles large portions of memory allocation and deallocation, hence minimizing the chances of memory leaks.

Standard Library: 

Java possesses an extensive standard library for data structures, networking, file I/0, among others. What this means is that developing complex applications can be easier because a person doesn't have to rely on third-party libraries as much.

Getting Started with Java

If you are beginning in Java, here's how you get started:

1. Installation of Java

Regarding this, install the Java Development Kit. JDK includes Java Runtime Environment, Java compiler, and tools for development, execution, and debugging of Java applications.

You can get the latest version from the official Oracle website or use an open-source alternative, AdoptOpenJDK.

2. Writing Your First Java Program

Java programs are normally written in plain text files with the extension .java. Here is simple example of such program in Java:

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");

This program prints to console text "Hello, World!". Let's explain it:

Public class HelloWorld: This line is declaring a class named HelloWorld. In Java, all code must be contained within a class.

public static void main(String[] args): This is the entry point for the application. The main method is where the application will begin execution.

System.out.println("Hello, World!");: This line prints the provided string to the console.

To compile and execute this application, name this file HelloWorld.java and follow the given commands in terminal:

javac HelloWorld.java

The javac command compiles the Java source code into bytecode, and then the java command runs the compiled bytecode.

3. Java Variables and Data Types

Java is a statically typed language, which means one must declare the type of a variable when that variable is created. Here are some simple examples of variable declarations in Java:

int age = 25;
double price = 19.99;
char grade = 'A';
String name = "Alice";
boolean isStudent = true;

In the above example:

Data types include int, double, char, String, and boolean. The variables are age, price, grade, name, and is student. Java supports different data types: the primitive types including int, double, and boolean, and the reference types including String and arrays.

4. Control Structures

The control structures of Java are loops and conditional statements that enable one to direct the flow of a program. The following is an example using an if-else statement and the for loop:

int number = 10;

if(number > 0) {
    System.out.println("The number is positive.");
} else {
    System.out.println("The number is not positive.");

for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    System.out.println("Count: " + i);

The if-else statement tests a condition and executes a block of code based on whether the condition is true or another block of code if that condition is false. The for loop executes a block of code repeatedly for a specified number of times.

5. Object-Oriented Programming with Java

Java is an object-oriented language; it stands out centrally in this regard. You define, in general, classes for some real-world entities in Java, and objects are instances of classes.

Here is a very simple Java class.

public class Dog {
    String name;
    int age;

    public void bark() {
        System.out.println(name + " is barking.");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog myDog = new Dog();
	myDog.name = "Buddy";
        myDog.age = 3;

In this example:

  • Dog is a class with two attributes (name and age) and a method (bark).
  • myDog is an object (instance) of the Dog class.

Java Libraries and Frameworks

The Java ecosystem is pretty much powered up with a number of libraries and frameworks that ease development. Let me mention below some popular ones.

Spring Framework: 

Spring is no doubt one of the powerful frameworks for the development of enterprise-level applications. Some features of this framework are dependency injection, transaction management, and web services support among many other features.


This is an ORM that makes database interactions pretty easy in Java applications by mapping each Java class to database tables.

Apache Maven: 

Maven is a build automation tool that takes care of project dependencies and builds processes. It is greatly used in projects involving Java for the development and deployment of applications.


JUnit is a testing framework allowing developers to define and execute tests for their code in Java, hence verifying the correctness of their programs.


JavaFX is a package of classes that allows developers to create fast and quirky desktop applications with a state-of-the-art user interface. It is, in effect, replacing the older Swing library.

Some Best Practices for Java Development

Good practices to ensure efficiency and maintainability in Java coding include:

Follow Naming Conventions: 

The names for classes, methods, and variables should be descriptive and meaningful. While naming the classes, the first letter should be uppercase, and the method and variable names should be in small letters.

Comment Judiciously: 

One of the good ways to explain what your code is doing is through comments. However, excessive commenting must also be avoided, and equally, comments must be clear and relevant.

DRY- The Code out: 

The repetition should not be done using methods, classes and inheritances to keep your code dry. Re-usability ensures maintainability and reduces the possibility of errors.

Handle Exceptions correctly: 

Most modern languages like Java are designed in such a way that they use exception handling in order to ensure robust applications. Again, try using try-catch blocks for the handling of exceptions elegantly without letting your application crash.

Unit Tests: 

Testing is an important aspect that shows the reliability of your code. You should be able to create unit tests using frameworks such as JUnit in order to ensure the correctness of your code.


Java is a dynamic, feature-rich, and mature programming language. It boasts an object-oriented nature, platform independence, and a rich ecosystem, which makes it ideal for both beginners in programming and seasoned practitioners alike. Be it a simple desktop application or an enterprise complex system, Java has the necessary tools and frameworks one needs to get the job done.

It means learning the basics first, practice consistently, and follow best practices for being a good Java developer. Practice consistently, explore a vast array of libraries and frameworks in Java, and then continue learning how to use this remarkable language.

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